Zones 2-10 in the map have been subdivided into light-
and dark-colored sections (a and b) that represent 5 F (2.8 C) differences within the 10 F (5.6 C) zone. The light color
of each zone represents the colder section; the dark color, the warmer section. Zone 11 represents any area where the
average annual minimum temperature is above 40 F (4.4 C).
The map shows 20 latitude and longitude lines.
Areas above an arbitrary elevation are traditionally considered unsuitable for plant cropping and do not bear appropriate
zone designations. There are also island zones that, because of elevation differences, are warmer or cooler than the
surrounding areas and are given a different zone designation.
Note that many large urban areas carry a warmer zone
designation than the surrounding countryside. The map-contains as much detail as possible, considering the vast amount
of data on which it is based and its size.
If you live outside North America You can roughly translate the USDA hardiness zones by
finding out how low your area's temperatures can reach, and then use the chart below to find your corresponding zone.
Zone 1: below -46 C (below -50 F) Zone 2: -46 to -40 C (-50 to -40 F) Zone 3: -40 to -34 C (-40 to -30
F) Zone 4: -34 to -29 C (-30 to -20 F) Zone 5: -29 to -23 C (-20 to -10 F) Zone 6: -23 to -18 C (-10 to 0 F) Zone
7: -18 to -12 C (0 to 10 F) Zone 8: -12 to -7 C (10 to 20 F) Zone 9: -7 to -1 C (20 to 30 F) Zone 10: -1 to 4 C (30
to 40 F) Zone 11: above 4 C (above 40 F) |